A Closer Look at How Ruby Object Mapper Works

Last Friday we finally released the first version of Ruby Object Mapper. It’s a big step for the project as we’ve established foundation of the whole system. There are many missing features, crucial ones, like support for RDBMS, server-side generated keys or a full-blown Unit of Work but…we’ll be adding those in the upcoming future releases. With the foundation in place it’ll be much easier for us to continue working on ROM so you should see frequent releases from now on with important additions....

August 26, 2013 · 6 min · Peter Solnica

DataMapper 2 Status and Roadmap

We’ve been really busy working on the mapper part of DataMapper 2 for the last few months. This gives us more clarity about what is still missing. The mapper currently supports two different engines, Veritas and Arel. By introducing engines API we managed to create a nice database abstraction layer along with model and attribute mapping layers. The entire system works like a multi-level pipe so that we have 3 separate “levels” where data is being processed....

December 20, 2012 · 4 min · Peter Solnica

Part of DataMapper 2 Is Done - Announcing Virtus 0.5.0

UPDATE: DataMapper 2 was renamed to Ruby Object Mapper (ROM). For more info check out rom-rb.org I’m happy to announce that Virtus 0.5.0 was released. It’s sort of a milestone for me as Virtus is now considered feature-complete and I’m quite happy with the code. Further development will only focus on bug fixes and small internal clean ups. We plan to extract smaller pieces into separate gems at some point too....

June 10, 2012 · 3 min · Peter Solnica

Get Rid of That Code Smell

While working on DataMapper 2 libraries we are measuring quality of our code with various code metric tools. Dan Kubb has been using this approach successfully for over 2 years in Veritas which resulted in a beautiful and clean code. When I started working on Virtus I decided to embrace all the practices that Dan introduced in his projects. It was a fantastic experience because Virtus was not a green-field project - I extracted a piece of DataMapper 1 and turned it into a standalone library....

March 30, 2012 · 2 min · Peter Solnica

DataMapper-2 Presentation From wroc_love.rb Conference

Once again thank you for the awesome event that took place in Wrocław last weekend - the wroc_love.rb conference. We’ve had fantastic and inspiring talks and many great discussions. It’s clear to me that a new era in our community has started and people are willing to learn and embrace patterns from other languages without being scared that we’re going to lose the “agile” aspect of programming in Ruby and Rails....

March 13, 2012 · 1 min · Peter Solnica

New Virtus Release With Truly Awesome Features

Just a quick announcement that I just pushed a new version of Virtus with support for long awaited features: EmbeddedValue, member type coercions for array/set attributes and ValueObject. Current version is 0.2.0, please give it a try and tell me what you think. Here’s a quick sneak-preview of what you can do with Virtus: class GeoLocation include Virtus::ValueObject attribute :lat, Float attribute :lng, Float end class City include Virtus attribute :name, String attribute :location, GeoLocation attribute :districts, Array[Symbol] end class User include Virtus attribute :name, String attribute :age, Integer attribute :city, City end user = User....

February 8, 2012 · 1 min · Peter Solnica

Ruby DataMapper Status

UPDATE: DataMapper 2 was renamed to Ruby Object Mapper (ROM). For more info check out rom-rb.org In my recent post I gave you a brief overview of what I think about the state of Ruby ORMs. Since I’m involved in the development of DataMapper project I want to write a little more lines of text to give you a good overview of the current state of DataMapper project and how the future version 2....

January 10, 2012 · 8 min · Peter Solnica

The State of Ruby ORM

UPDATE: DataMapper 2 was renamed to Ruby Object Mapper (ROM). For more info check out rom-rb.org We have a lot of different Object-Relational Mapper implementations in Ruby (and a ton and a half of Mongo mappers ;)) and it’s probably a good thing. It seems like the only ORM that really matters right now is ActiveRecord although in “the background” we still have DataMapper and Sequel with growing communities. So I’m wondering…what’s the state of these ORMs?...

November 29, 2011 · 7 min · Peter Solnica